We designed, permitted and built a 2300 square foot cafe.
Solid surface bar top with large radius cypress “underbar”, steel and terracotta bar lower. Painted steel bar shelving. Two large steel and reeded glass divider walls. Eight painted steel and white oak counter height four-tops, Ten painted steel and white oak dining height two-tops. 60’ of church pew with custom upholstery. One 12’ long “King’s Table” / Community table made of blue epoxy-grainfilled Pecan and spalted Sycamore from urban salvage lumber from trees from family members’ houses in 6th Ward and Braeswood, respectively. One steel and stainless Chef’s Pass, One 14’ long pastry table with hard maple work surface. Three monumental steel and glass windows, one with operable grab-n-go window. Two reclaimed windows from the original exterior of the building reinstalled into interior hallway wall. 40’ custom wall mural in collaboration with Daniel Cardoza and Margaret Braun. One custom powdercoated steel sign. Three years of work (!!!… thanks, pandemic!).